Belarusian potato drachena is a delicious dish that is prepared from the most affordable vegetable that is in every home, namely potatoes. You can safely serve it to the table with any meat and fish dishes or just like that. For cooking, it is worth buying delicious potatoes, it is better that they are yellow inside and boil well.

If you do not want to spend a lot of time cooking, it is better to boil mashed potatoes in advance. This will greatly reduce the process and time. Since potato drachena needs to be baked in a form, it should be used beautiful and comfortable. Size is also essential, since a half-filled form with potato mass will look less attractive, especially if the dish is being prepared for a festive table.


  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Salt – to taste.
  • Ground black pepper – to taste.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Butter of good quality – 30 g.

Belarusian potato drachena - a tasty and original dish

How to cook:

1. Peel potatoes. Cut each one into smaller pieces. Place them in a bowl or bowl. Fill completely with water so that all the potatoes are covered.

Belarusian potato drachena - a tasty and original dish

2. Add salt.

Belarusian potato drachena - a tasty and original dish

3. Boil potatoes for 30 minutes over moderate heat.

Be sure to check the readiness with a knife, the vegetables should be soft and almost disintegrate.

Belarusian potato drachena - a tasty and original dish

4. After that, put the potatoes in a bowl or just drain the water. Do this procedure carefully. Add butter to it.

Belarusian potato drachena - a tasty and original dish

5. Beat in chicken eggs.

Belarusian potato drachena - a tasty and original dish

6. Add ground pepper to taste. You can also add dried garlic and paprika.

Belarusian potato drachena - a tasty and original dish

7. Now use a masher to crush the potatoes very well. You can use a blender.

Belarusian potato drachena - a tasty and original dish

8. Put the resulting potato mass into a baking dish. Be sure to grease it with butter or vegetable oil.

Belarusian potato drachena - a tasty and original dish

9. Send the form to the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Readiness is determined by the crust on top. When it becomes ruddy and beautiful, you can safely take the drachen out of the oven.

Here is such an original potato dish that can be prepared from available products.

Belarusian potato drachena - a tasty and original dish

Belarusian potato drachena - a tasty and original dish

Bon appetit!