A little more and the happiest time of the year will begin. A clean decorated apartment, a fragrant Christmas tree, the clink of glasses and cheerful voices – all this is the New Year. In 2022, the Black Water Tiger will be visiting us and we must meet him with dignity. There should be plenty of meat, fresh herbs on the festive table, and let appetizers and salads be bright and original.

I propose to prepare an appetizer of dried bread – tiger trees. Use a cookie cutter to cut out bread pieces, or cut the bread into equal triangles without crusts. To lubricate the bruschetta, it is best to use fat mayonnaise with some additives. We supplemented the spread with grated cheese and garlic – it turned out delicious. To cover the bruschetta in the form of a tiger skin, you can use any vegetables with orange paint. For black stripes, use olives, prunes or seaweed.


  • Bread – 7 slices.
  • Mayonnaise – 30 ml.
  • Cheese – 30 g.
  • Tomato paste – 35 ml.
  • Pumpkin – 200 g.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil – 5 g.
  • Olives – 7 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper – to taste.

Bruschetta "Tiger Trees" - bright, festive and appetizing

How to cook:

1. Form Christmas trees from bread slices.

Bruschetta "Tiger Trees" - bright, festive and appetizing

2. Put the Christmas trees in a dry frying pan, dry on 2 sides until golden brown.

Bruschetta "Tiger Trees" - bright, festive and appetizing

3. Peel the pumpkin and grate it on a fine grater. Add vegetable oil, salt, pepper, tomato paste and grated garlic. Mix the mass, place the plate in the microwave. Cook for three to four minutes at 800 watts. Cool down the mass.

Bruschetta "Tiger Trees" - bright, festive and appetizing

4. In another bowl, prepare the spread. Put grated cheese, mayonnaise and garlic. Mix the ingredients until smooth.

Bruschetta "Tiger Trees" - bright, festive and appetizing

5. Lubricate each Christmas tree with a spread.

Bruschetta "Tiger Trees" - bright, festive and appetizing

6. Lay a fragrant layer of pumpkin with spices and seasonings on top. Level out the mass.

Bruschetta "Tiger Trees" - bright, festive and appetizing

7. Cut olives in half. Cut the halves into thin strips, lay out as in the photo, slightly pressing against the vegetable layer.

Bruschetta "Tiger Trees" - bright, festive and appetizing

8. Arrange the finished Christmas trees on a serving plate, decorate with dill branches.

The appetizer will come out looking very bright, festive and appetizing. Bruschetta has a crispy base and a pleasant savory taste. During storage, the products lose their crispy properties, so they should not be stored.

Bruschetta "Tiger Trees" - bright, festive and appetizing

Bruschetta "Tiger Trees" - bright, festive and appetizing

Bruschetta "Tiger Trees" - bright, festive and appetizing

Bon appetit!