Cucumbers without seaming for the winter taste salty, not pickled. Previously, this is how cucumbers were salted. This recipe is convenient for housewives for many reasons. Firstly, you do not need to sterilize anything, and secondly, you need to clog the jars with a special key. It is these two points that significantly reduce the cooking time for cucumbers.

You can serve ready-made cucumbers without seaming with any side dishes, be it buckwheat or potatoes, or meat dishes, be it a steak or chicken chop. And in general, they always act as an indispensable snack on the festive table.

For their preparation, it is worth using vegetables that are not large in size so that they can easily fit into a glass jar. Also, they should be small in thickness. In addition to the ingredients listed below, you can also add pieces of bell pepper, parsley, horseradish root to the jar.


  • Cucumbers – 650 g.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Dill – 1 bunch.
  • Salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.

Cucumbers for the winter without seaming - a quick and easy recipe

How to cook:

1. Wash the cucumbers very well, then place them in a deep bowl and cover with clean cold water. Leave the vegetables for 60 minutes. This procedure is necessary so that the finished cucumbers are crispy and not bitter.

Cucumbers for the winter without seaming - a quick and easy recipe

2. Put garlic and washed dill into a clean glass jar.

Cucumbers for the winter without seaming - a quick and easy recipe

3. After that, fill the jar with prepared cucumbers. Try to stack them as close as possible to each other, but do this procedure carefully so that the vegetables do not crack.

Cucumbers for the winter without seaming - a quick and easy recipe

4. Now put a few more sprigs of washed dill on top. Pour in the amount of salt indicated in the list of ingredients.

Cucumbers for the winter without seaming - a quick and easy recipe

5. Now fill the cucumbers with clean water at room temperature (as much as will fit in a jar).

Cucumbers for the winter without seaming - a quick and easy recipe

6. Close the jar with a capron lid. Shake it so that the salt is all dissolved.

Leave cucumbers at room temperature for 2 days. During this time, they marinate well. After that, be sure to take them to the pantry or cellar, with a cool temperature. This will stop the fermentation process.

Cucumbers for the winter without seaming - a quick and easy recipe

These are the cucumbers without seaming for the winter came out!

Cucumbers for the winter without seaming - a quick and easy recipe

Enjoy your meal!