If you like sweets, but count calories, this recipe for a delicious diet marshmallow will come in handy. Incredibly delicate texture, delicious aroma, and most importantly, no chemistry. In general, the composition of dietary marshmallows is incredibly useful. Cottage cheese, gelatin, honey, milk, fresh strawberries!


  • Soft cottage cheese – 100 g.
  • Milk with a low percentage of fat – 100 ml.
  • Honey – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Instant gelatin – 10 g.
  • Fresh or frozen strawberries – 30 g

How to cook:

1. Take only natural honey for diet marshmallows. Preferably liquid. If the honey is candied, preheat it in a water bath. 3 art. l. dial without a slide, otherwise it will turn out too sweet.

Buy soft cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat. It is best to prepare it yourself in advance. It’s not difficult at all. Freeze kefir in the freezer, then open the bag and put it on a sieve lined with gauze. Wait for the kefir to defrost and the whey to drain completely. Squeeze out the cottage cheese and start cooking marshmallows. You can cook cottage cheese.

To taste, you can add about 10 g of coconut flakes and a little vanilla to marshmallows.

Diet marshmallows at home - tender and fragrant

2. Warm milk to 50 degrees. Add gelatin and stir. Leave for 15 minutes until completely dissolved.

If you bought regular gelatin, you will need to leave it in warm milk for a couple of hours, and then bring it to a boil in the microwave, or in a water bath, so that it dissolves.

Diet marshmallows at home - tender and fragrant

3. Peel the strawberries from the leaves, rinse and leave to dry on a towel. Place cottage cheese in a mixing bowl, drizzle with honey and add vanilla and coconut flakes if you like. When the berries dry, add them.

Diet marshmallows at home - tender and fragrant

4. Kill the mass with a blender. It will turn out thick, like curd paste.

Diet marshmallows at home - tender and fragrant

5. Pour in milk with dissolved gelatin. It should be at room temperature.

Diet marshmallows at home - tender and fragrant

6. Beat with a blender again. You will get a viscous airy and incredibly tender marshmallow mass.

Diet marshmallows at home - tender and fragrant

7. Put the silicone molds for cupcakes on the rack and fill with the mass to the brim. From the specified amount of ingredients, you get only five marshmallows. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

Diet marshmallows at home - tender and fragrant

Serve garnished with fresh berries.

Diet marshmallows at home - tender and fragrant

Diet marshmallows at home - tender and fragrant

Diet marshmallows at home - tender and fragrant

Diet marshmallows at home - tender and fragrant

Bon appetit!