A very easy-to-make cookie that, in terms of money, comes out very cheap and affordable. At the same time, saving your budget, you will not compromise on the taste of your pastries – they always turn out amazing! And if you add filler in the form of nuts, dried fruits or chocolate drops to the dough, your dessert will turn out to be a feast of the gods!
- Sugar sand – 1 tbsp. + for sprinkling.
- Eggs – 2 pcs.
- Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
- Baking powder – 2 tsp with a hill.
- Vanillin – 1 g.
- Flour – 2.5-3 tbsp.
- Glass – 200 ml.
Servings Per Container: 4-8.
How to cook:
1. Sugar, eggs, vegetable oil, flour with baking powder and vanilla must be mixed into a single mass. It should turn out to be a soft, pleasant to the touch dough, which is easy to roll into a bun. If this is not the case, then try adding a little more vegetable oil or flour.
You should not get carried away with flour, so as not to make the dough tough, put it in gradually, focusing on the resulting consistency.
2. Having twisted a dough ball, dip it on one side in granulated sugar.
3. Put the ball with sugar up on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and greased with vegetable oil. With a spoon, press the bun 3-4 times to guide the pattern.
4. Repeat the procedure with the entire test. Fill a baking sheet with sugar balls.
5. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes until lightly blushed. You don’t have to wait for the cookies to turn brown. They bake quickly, and look light, almost like raw blanks, only significantly increased in size.
Ready-made cookies can be served immediately after being taken out of the oven. Warm with milk, they are simply incomparable! Well, when they cool down, they are perfectly stored in cellophane or in a plastic container.
Enjoy your meal!