From zucchini, you can cook just an amazing and original appetizer, namely, festive canapes with cheese filling. They turn out not only quite appetizing in appearance, but also tasty. And for lovers of vegetable and low-calorie recipes, this one will also be quite appropriate.

As a filling, you can use hard cheese or melted cheese. It is not necessary to grease the zucchini with a spread if the output should be a low-calorie dish. If this moment is not important, then you can additionally grease the zucchini with sour cream or mayonnaise, or some kind of sauce, or a ready-made appetizer spread.

In this recipe, use a spread with simulated red caviar and hard cheese. You can also add canapes with tomatoes, olives and other ingredients.


  • Young zucchini – 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese (excellent in taste) – 50 g.
  • Salt – to taste.
  • Spread with imitation of red caviar – 2 tbsp. l. (this ingredient can be omitted).
  • Vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp. l. (you can fry the zucchini in a dry frying pan).

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

How to cook:

1. Cut the zucchini into slices, after washing them. The thickness of vegetables should be about 1 cm.

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the prepared sliced ​​\u200b\u200bzucchini pieces.

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

3. Fry them over medium heat until nice and golden brown on both sides. In time, this procedure takes about two minutes.

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

4. Cut off the wax edges from hard cheese, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. It can also be simply cut into thin slices.

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

5. Put 2 pieces of fried zucchini on a dish.

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

6. Top one of them with spread and lay out hard cheese.

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

7. Cover with a second piece of zucchini.

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

8. Thus, form all zucchini canapes.

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

9. So that they do not fall apart, look more impressive, and it is more convenient to eat them, fasten them with special sticks for canapes.

Serve festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling immediately to the table. It is in the hot form that they are most delicious, because hard cheese stretches in this form.

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

Festive zucchini canapes with cheese filling - an amazing appetizer

Enjoy your meal!