Grandma’s salad is a simple and very tasty preparation of cucumbers for the winter.

Cucumbers boiled in tomato with the addition of pepper, onion, garlic and parsley are slightly pickled and fragrant. The cooking process itself is not complicated at all and takes almost 10 minutes, not taking into account the time for preparing vegetables.

You can control the spiciness of your grandmother’s salad to your liking: if you like spicy preservation, then be sure to add hot pepper to the preparation, if not, then you can do without pepper.


  • Cucumbers – 1 kg.
  • Tomatoes – 0.5 kg.
  • Bulgarian pepper – 0.3 kg.
  • Hot pepper – 1 pc. (optional).
  • Parsley – 1 bunch.
  • Garlic – 1 head.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l.
  • 9% vinegar – 1 tsp
  • Sunflower oil – 100 ml.

How to cook:

1. Immediately before preparing the canned salad, prepare all the necessary ingredients. Remove the seeds from the bell pepper, rinse well and cut into thin strips.

In case you add hot pepper to the salad, cut it into slices.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

2. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly so that there are no thorns left on them, and, cutting off the tails, cut into not too thick halves of the circles (small cucumbers can be cut into circles).

To make the cucumbers in the salad crunchy, soak them in cold water for at least an hour before slicing.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

3. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

4. Washed ripe tomatoes, previously cut into several pieces, grind into tomato puree (using a blender or meat grinder).

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

5. Wash the parsley, dry and chop, and cut the garlic cloves into thin slices.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

6. When all the vegetables are ready, start preparing the salad. Pour sunflower oil into a cauldron or pan with a thick bottom and fry the chopped onion on it over high heat until golden brown for 2 minutes.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

7. Then add chopped bell pepper to it and fry, stirring, for another 2 minutes.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

8. Next, pour the tomato puree over the vegetables, mix well.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

9. Pour salt with sugar, pour in 9% vinegar.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

10. Add also chopped garlic and chopped parsley, if desired, chopped hot peppers, mix, then boil (from the moment of boiling) for 3 minutes.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

11. Lastly, add chopped cucumbers to the salad, stirring occasionally, bring the vegetables to a boil, then boil over high heat for 3 minutes.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

12. Arrange the hot salad in sterilized jars, trying to pack it as tightly as possible, and roll up / clog.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

13. After that, cover the cans with preservation with something warm, and when they cool down, take them out for storage.

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

Grandma's cucumber salad - a simple and tasty preservation

Bon appetit!