Recently, chickpeas are quite often ea10. From this product you can cook delicious hummus paste, mashed soups and even pilaf. Today we want to bring to your attention an easy-to-prepare, but tasty and satisfying salad with vegetables and chickpeas.

Chickpeas can be used boiled or canned. Vegetables for salad are suitable for any seasonal. You can fill such a salad with olive oil, sour cream and mayonnaise.


  • Boiled chickpeas – 300 g.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Fresh cucumbers – 2-3 pcs.
  • Onion – to taste.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Green onions – to taste.
  • Dill – to taste.
  • Parsley – to taste.
  • Arugula – to taste.
  • Olive oil – 50 ml.
  • Apple cider vinegar – to taste.
  • Soy sauce or salt to taste.
  • Honey – 1 tsp
  • A mixture of ground peppers – to taste.

Hearty and tasty vegetable salad with chickpeas

How to cook:

1. To prepare this salad, you need boiled chickpeas. We recommend that in the evening pour dry chickpeas with cold water and leave on the table. Rinse the chickpeas the next morning and put them in a bowl. Cover the chickpeas with water and cook over moderate heat for 40 minutes. Do not immediately salt the chickpeas, just add herbs and spices to taste. Taste the chickpeas for softness. Only when the chickpeas become soft, add salt to taste.

To make chickpeas cook faster, you can add a pinch of soda during cooking (after 40 minutes of cooking).

Leave the cooked chickpeas in the broth until completely cooled. Then drain all the liquid and pour the boiled chickpeas into a deep container where you will mix the salad.

Hearty and tasty vegetable salad with chickpeas

2. Rinse the cucumbers and tomatoes, cut into small pieces randomly and add to the bowl with the chickpeas.

Hearty and tasty vegetable salad with chickpeas

3. Fried onions with soy sauce add an original flavor note to this salad. Just finely chop and fry the onion in vegetable oil, add soy sauce at the end. Slightly cooled onions add to the salad.

Hearty and tasty vegetable salad with chickpeas

4. Add parsley, dill, arugula and green onions to the salad to taste. Drizzle salad with olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and honey (optional).

Hearty and tasty vegetable salad with chickpeas

5. Mix the salad well and serve immediately. Even on a plate to such a salad, you can add a few boiled eggs cut into slices.

Hearty and tasty vegetable salad with chickpeas

Serve vegetable salad with chickpeas in portions or in one deep salad bowl. This salad is very satisfying, so it can replace one meal.

Hearty and tasty vegetable salad with chickpeas

Hearty and tasty vegetable salad with chickpeas

Enjoy your meal!