As a rule, when it comes to hot sandwiches, everyone imagines only a sausage option. But after all, there is a whole mass of sandwiches with other ingredients, which, after baking in the oven, become, if not a full-fledged dish, then certainly a wonderful snack. This recipe is proof of that. Literally from three simple products that can be found in the refrigerator of a zealous hostess, you can easily prepare a chic snack. With this recipe, unexpected guests will never take you by surprise.


  • Baton – three slices.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Cheese Marble – 80 g.
  • Butter – 10 g.
  • Mayonnaise sauce – 2 liters.
  • Any greens – to taste.

Hot sandwiches with cheese and egg - tasty, quick and easy

How to cook:

1. Place chicken eggs in a pot of water and boil for ten minutes, until hard-boiled. After that, they need to be cooled and grated on the large side of the grater.

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2. Cheese will suit any hard variety. Russian or Gouda looks especially good in the finished dish.

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3. Chop the garlic cloves and add to the bowl with the cheese-egg mixture. If you don’t like spicy, then garlic can be omitted.

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4. From greens it is worth taking parsley or dill and chop with a sharp knife. Add greens to sandwich mixture.

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5. Add salt and spices to your taste. A mixture of peppers plays especially well in this dish.

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6. Now add mayonnaise sauce to the bowl – it can be replaced with thick sour cream – and mix.

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7. Slices of bread should be greased with butter.

This step should not be skipped, as it is the oil that will give the bread a creamy taste and make it lightly toasted.

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8. Then you need to place a sandwich filling on each slice, and put the slices themselves in a baking dish.

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9. Bake sandwiches for no more than ten minutes at medium temperatures. As soon as the bread is browned, and the cheese begins to melt, you can take it out and put it on the table. Suitable as an appetizer or a hot afternoon snack.

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Bon appetit!