Marseille salad is a delicious appetizer that can be safely prepared both on a festive table and on a regular weekday. For cooking, you should purchase high-quality crab sticks, delicious canned corn, as well as homemade chicken eggs. You can buy an apple of any variety, as long as it tastes not too sour or, conversely, sweet.

You can serve a ready-made salad as an independent dish, as it is quite satisfying, or you can cook some side dish for it. Due to the fact that croutons must also be put in the salad, they must be added before serving the dish to the table, otherwise they will get wet and will not crunch. Crackers can be bought at the store with absolutely any taste and they can be both dark and light in color.


  • Croutons – 50 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Crab sticks – 3 pcs.
  • Apple – 0.5 pcs.
  • Canned corn – 40 g.
  • Mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. l.

Marseille salad - delicious and elegant


1. Put chicken eggs in a pot of water, put it on fire. When the water with eggs boils, reduce the heat and cook them for 7-8 minutes. Drain the water, pour in cold water and cool them completely, and then clean them. Cut eggs into cubes.

Marseille salad - delicious and elegant

2. Remove the packaging from the crab sticks. Cut them in the same way as eggs – cubes.

Marseille salad - delicious and elegant

3. Wash the apple, cut in half, peel. Cut into small cubes.

Marseille salad - delicious and elegant

4. Put all the chopped products into a container.

Marseille salad - delicious and elegant

5. Add mayonnaise with any percentage of fat content, or even better, use homemade mayonnaise.

Marseille salad - delicious and elegant

6. Mix all the ingredients with a tablespoon. After that, put the finished salad in a beautiful bowl, decorate with a sprig of greens on top and serve it to the table.

Marseille salad - delicious and elegant

Marseille salad - delicious and elegant

Enjoy your meal!