Melon in honey syrup for the winter is a delicious delicacy that will appeal to both children and adults. Soft pieces of melon with a delicate aroma of honey in sweet syrup will captivate the heart of any sweet tooth.

Such preservation is prepared quite quickly: the melon is cut into pieces, then poured once with boiling water, the second with honey syrup, after which it is sterilized and rolled up. As a result, in winter you can enjoy a delicious dessert and remember the warm summer.


  • Melon – 400-500 g.
  • Water – 250 ml.
  • Honey – 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide).
  • Citric acid – on the tip of a knife.

How to cook:

1. To prepare melons in honey syrup, it is not necessary to take sweet fruits, unsweetened ones may also work. Therefore, if you suddenly come across a tasteless representative of melons, you can safely use it for conservation. First of all, wash the melon well, cut it in half, clean the middle of the seeds, cut off the skin, and then cut into small portions.

Melon in honey syrup for the winter - a delicious delicacy

2. In a sterilized dry half-liter jar, tightly place the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmelon pieces.

Melon in honey syrup for the winter - a delicious delicacy

3. Boil water separately, pour melon with boiling water, cover the jar with a lid and leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes.

Melon in honey syrup for the winter - a delicious delicacy

4. When the water in the jar has cooled, pour it back into the saucepan.

Melon in honey syrup for the winter - a delicious delicacy

5. Add one heaping tablespoon of honey, stir, put the pot on the fire and bring the syrup to a boil, and then boil for 1 to 2 minutes.

If your melon is sweet, so that the dessert does not turn out cloying, you can add citric acid to the syrup on the tip of a knife.

Melon in honey syrup for the winter - a delicious delicacy

6. Gently pour the melon with hot honey syrup, cover the jar with an iron lid and sterilize (it is necessary to sterilize from the moment the water boils for 10-15 minutes).

Melon in honey syrup for the winter - a delicious delicacy

7. After that, remove the jar from the water, roll up and wrap until completely cool.

Melon in honey syrup for the winter - a delicious delicacy

Store the cooled preservation in a cool place. Store melon in honey syrup should be no more than two years.

Melon in honey syrup for the winter - a delicious delicacy

Melon in honey syrup for the winter - a delicious delicacy

Melon in honey syrup for the winter - a delicious delicacy

Enjoy your meal!