Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese is a dish that can be safely prepared on the festive table.

Pasta for cooking must be boiled in advance, while the meat is fried in a pan. As meat, you can use chicken fillet or pork. Hard cheese should be bought with a quality, in no case, not a cheese product, as it simply does not melt and can spoil the whole taste of the casserole.


  • Boiled pasta – 150 g.
  • Chicken fillet – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Tomato – 0.5 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 70 g.
  • Mayonnaise – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato paste – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – to taste.
  • Ground black pepper – to taste.
  • Vegetable oil – 30-40 ml.

Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese - festive and tasty

How to cook:

1. Peel the onion, cut into cubes.

Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese - festive and tasty

2. Wash and cut the chicken fillet.

Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese - festive and tasty

3. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, put the chopped onion and meat. Fry everything until the meat and onion change color. In time, the frying procedure takes no more than 2-3 minutes.

Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese - festive and tasty

4. Put the boiled pasta in a bowl. Add mayonnaise and tomato paste to them. Mix everything well.

Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese - festive and tasty

5. Then put the fried onions with meat on the pasta.

Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese - festive and tasty

6. Add salt, pepper, diced tomato. Mix everything. Put all the ingredients in a baking dish. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil. Send the casserole to the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 30 minutes.

Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese - festive and tasty

7. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater.

Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese - festive and tasty

8. Remove the finished casserole from the oven and sprinkle it with grated hard cheese.

Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese - festive and tasty

9. When the cheese is melted, boldly serve the casserole with meat, cheese and tomato to the table.

Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese - festive and tasty

Pasta casserole with meat, tomato and cheese - festive and tasty

Enjoy your meal!