Fried meat sausages in a pan always turn out to be very original in appearance, but most importantly – very tasty, juicy and fragrant. For their preparation, you can use not only pork, but also chicken or turkey fillet.

If you like beef the most, then opt for it, just keep in mind that such sausages will be a little dry. To avoid this, it is advisable to add a little fat to the minced meat. Of the spices, the classic version is added, namely, salt, ground black pepper and garlic. Also, you need to drive a chicken egg into the finished minced meat and add a little flour, so that the sausages can be formed and they “keep” their shape. In order to make them, you do not need to use a casing special for sausages. It is enough just to take for their formation the usual cropped top of the bottle, the one with the neck.


  • Pork – 350 g.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Salt – ¼ tbsp. l.
  • Black pepper – ¼ tsp
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 30-40 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 40 ml.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

How to cook:

1. Wash the meat, then cut it into medium-sized pieces. The most important thing is that they fit into the opening of the meat grinder.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

2. Twist the prepared pieces of meat in a meat grinder or in a blender.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

3. Beat in the chicken egg.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

4. Add salt.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

5. Then add black pepper and flour.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

6. Finally, squeeze a clove or two of garlic through the garlic maker, which you have previously peeled.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

7. Mix everything very well. This procedure is preferably done by hand.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

8. Cut off the bottle and use the top to form sausages.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

9. Put the prepared sausages in a frying pan, in which heat vegetable oil or lard, make the fire medium.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

10. Fry the sausages until nice and golden brown on all sides.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

Put them on a dish and serve. They go well with any spicy sauces, such as mustard or adjika. You can also make some original side dish for them, for example, bake young potatoes with garlic in the oven.

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

Fried meat sausages in a pan - juicy and fragrant

Bon appetit!