The Danube pie always turns out to be quite original in appearance, but also delicious. Making it is not difficult, the most important thing is kneading the yeast dough. Due to the fact that the pie is made from dough balls, after baking, it is convenient to serve it to the table and you don’t even need to cut it into portioned pieces.

The cake goes well with any hot drinks. It can also be safely made with some kind of filling, for example, with slices of fresh apples or jam. For lovers of boiled condensed milk, it is worth stopping the choice on it. Poppy, raisins, dried apricots, candied fruits – everything will be appropriate. So feel free to show your imagination and cook a pie with whatever you want!


  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Salt – 3 g.
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Sugar – 50 g.
  • Milk – 100 ml.
  • Yeast – 7 g.
  • Flour – 400-450 g.

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

How to cook:

1. In the bowl in which you always knead the yeast dough, pour dry foods, namely salt, sugar and yeast.

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

2. Now heat the milk in a ladle or bowl until warm. Make sure it’s not hot. Pour it into the previous components. Stir.

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

3. Put the butter in the container in which you heated the milk. Melt it over low heat or make a water bath for this purpose. Pour it into a bowl.

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

4. Pour in the flour, it is advisable to do this gradually and pour it in, as it were, in parts.

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

5. Now knead the dough. In time, this should be done for at least 3 minutes, and even 5 is better.

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

6. Cover the bowl with a towel or the most common bag on top. Put the dough in the turned off oven, so it is much more successful, and it will “fit” faster. In time, this procedure takes from 50-60 minutes.

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

7. Punch down the risen dough and form into balls.

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

8. Place them immediately in a round baking dish.

It is advisable to grease the bottom of the mold with any oil (vegetable or creamy).

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

9. Brush the top of the pie with egg yolk.

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

10. Now just send the cake pan to the oven for 30-35 minutes. The required temperature is 190 degrees. After the cake is ready, feel free to serve it to the table.

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

Pie "Danube" - soft and fragrant

Bon appetit!