Potato halves baked in the oven with cucumbers and cheese is an easy-to-prepare delicacy that can serve not only as an excellent second course, but also as an independent snack.

The finished potato looks beautiful, so you can serve it on the festive table. As cheese, you can use Russian, Maasdam, Gouda or any other. A cheese such as Parmesan is also suitable, so you can opt for it. It is best to take an elongated potato, it will look better than a round 1. On top of the finished dish, you can sprinkle with chopped herbs or use lettuce leaves to serve.


  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Salt – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Ground pepper – 1 pinch.
  • Hard cheese – 30 g.
  • Pickled cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Greens – for decoration.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive


1. Peel potatoes. Put it in a ladle or pan for cooking, pour in water.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

2. Add salt.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

3. Send a container of vegetables to the fire. Boil potatoes for 20 minutes.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

4. Put the boiled potatoes on a baking sheet, cut each in half.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

5. Using a teaspoon, select the center and put it in a bowl.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

6. Cut the pickled cucumber into small cubes.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

7. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

8. Put the chopped cucumber cubes in a bowl with potatoes. Add ground pepper. Mix well.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

9. Fill potato halves with stuffing.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

10. Place grated hard cheese on top of each potato.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

11. Send the dish to the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 15 minutes.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

12. Transfer the potatoes, baked in halves in the oven with cucumbers and cheese, to a beautiful white dish. Put any chopped greens on top.

Serve the appetizer immediately to the table while it is still hot and do not forget to put sour cream next to it.

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

Potatoes in the oven with cucumbers and cheese - easy to prepare, looks beautiful and festive

Bon appetit!