Roast fish in Transcarpathian style always turns out very juicy and quite tasty. We advise you to definitely cook it as a side dish, since you can safely have no doubt that one of the family members will remain hungry or that he will not like the dish. Most likely, you will then cook it more than once, and it will become one of your favorite dishes. For its preparation, it is best to use such fish, where there are few bones. So, for example, a hake or pollock is a bold choice. Of course, you can use river fish, but you should take into account the fact that it is more bony. But, if this does not scare you at all, then feel free to opt for it.

It is desirable to cook the roast in ceramic pots. If they are not, then it is worth buying them, the price for them is not too high. It is necessary to serve the roast to the table immediately after cooking, since it will be tastier when it is hot. From above, if you wish, you can sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh herbs, for example, dill or parsley is suitable for this purpose.


  • Pollock, hake or any other fish (preferably one with fewer bones) – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves.
  • Tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – to taste.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

How to cook:

1. So, clean the fish if you haven’t already done so beforehand. If it is frozen, then put it out of the freezer in a day and leave it in the refrigerator. So it will defrost naturally, without a large temperature drop. Cut it into pieces, you can remove the ridge for convenience or not do it. Dip each piece in flour.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

2. Now heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, it is better to use it without a pronounced smell. Lay out the pieces of fish, salt.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

3. Fry the fish until nicely browned on both sides. Fire should be medium.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

4. Place the fried fish pieces immediately in a ceramic pot.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

5. Send garlic there, just do not forget to peel it first.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

6. Chop the onion into medium dice.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

7. Fry it in a pan until soft.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

8. Add tomato paste to onion.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

9. Pour in some water and simmer everything over medium heat for just a minute.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

10. Pour the finished sauce over the fish.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

11. Send it to the oven preheated to 190 degrees for literally 15-20 minutes. Ready roast fish in Transcarpathian style boldly serve to the table. You can serve it directly in the pot or put it in portions for each on a dish.

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

Roast fish in Transcarpathian style - juicy and tasty

Bon appetit!