Fisherman’s Dream salad is the perfect dish and appetizer that combines several seafood. You will need seaweed and salted herring. It is convenient to use fillets or ready-made pieces, you don’t have to clean anything. In addition, take black or rye bread – it goes well with herring. Take soy sauce as a dressing sauce – it will turn out unusual and tasty.

The salad will delight the male half, so prepare such an appetizer for dinner or a festive table – in a short time you will prepare an original treat.


  • Seaweed – 100 g.
  • Salted herring – 100 g.
  • Black or rye bread – 60-70 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 1-2 pcs.
  • Soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Spices – to taste.
  • Fresh herbs – for serving.

Salad "Fisherman's Dream" - healthy, original and tasty

How to cook:

1. First of all, prepare brown bread croutons. Cut the bread into medium cubes.

Salad "Fisherman's Dream" - healthy, original and tasty

2. Put the bread in a dry frying pan and fry for 2-3 minutes until it dries out and crispy croutons are obtained. Cool them down.

Salad "Fisherman's Dream" - healthy, original and tasty

3. Then boil the eggs. Put them in a saucepan or iron bowl, cover with cold water. First, turn on a strong fire so that the water boils, then make the fire quieter and boil the eggs for 8 minutes. Peel hard-boiled and completely cooled eggs and cut into medium slices, but not very thin.

Salad "Fisherman's Dream" - healthy, original and tasty

4. Lay the seaweed in a pile on a plate or other flat dish, and spread the eggs on top.

Salad "Fisherman's Dream" - healthy, original and tasty

5. Then lay out the herring slices in random order.

Salad "Fisherman's Dream" - healthy, original and tasty

6. Sprinkle salad with crispy croutons.

Salad "Fisherman's Dream" - healthy, original and tasty

7. At the end, pour the dish with soy sauce, pepper to taste.

Salt may not be needed in this recipe, but look to your liking.

Salad "Fisherman's Dream" - healthy, original and tasty

Serve the finished salad immediately to the table, decorating with any fresh herbs to make the appearance brighter.

It turns out tasty and healthy, because seaweed and herring are rich in vitamins and microelements.

Salad "Fisherman's Dream" - healthy, original and tasty

Salad "Fisherman's Dream" - healthy, original and tasty

Enjoy your meal!