Salad “Minute” with fried chicken always turns out to be very satisfying, bright in appearance and tasty. If you want to surprise the invited guests, then it is definitely worth preparing it without fail. It is desirable to serve it in some beautiful and unusual-looking bowl, ideally, so that it is white, so all products will look brighter.

When choosing ingredients for a salad, it is advisable to give preference to champignons, chicken fillet, fresh tomato. And it is best to fill it with mayonnaise with a high percentage of fat content. However, if there is a desire to make the salad dietary, then you should safely replace the fried sauce with yogurt without additives, and do not fry the meat in a pan, but bake it in the oven.

You can serve a ready-made salad to the table immediately after preparation. It is not necessary to prepare a special side dish for it, since it turns out to be very satisfying without that.


  • Champignons – 2 pcs.
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Chicken fillet – 1 half.
  • Mayonnaise – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Greens – to taste.
  • Any oil (butter or vegetable) – 50 ml.

Salad "Minutka" with fried chicken - delicious and elegant

How to cook:

1. Cut the mushrooms, just wash them well.

It is advisable to cut the mushrooms into not too small pieces in size, since after frying they will greatly decrease in size.

Salad "Minutka" with fried chicken - delicious and elegant

2. Now cut the meat.

Salad "Minutka" with fried chicken - delicious and elegant

3. Saute the mushrooms in a skillet for 1-2 minutes. Salt them a little, use vegetable oil for frying.

Salad "Minutka" with fried chicken - delicious and elegant

4. Cut up the greens. Suitable as dill, and green onions or parsley.

It is worth using the greens that you like the most to taste. Or don’t add it at all.

Salad "Minutka" with fried chicken - delicious and elegant

5. Cut a fresh tomato into small cubes, just remember to wash it first.

Salad "Minutka" with fried chicken - delicious and elegant

6. Fry the meat in a pan too. Salt it too. You can also bake chicken fillet in the oven for 40 minutes or boil it in water.

Salad "Minutka" with fried chicken - delicious and elegant

7. Put everything into a bowl. Don’t forget to add fresh herbs too.

Salad "Minutka" with fried chicken - delicious and elegant

8. Add mayonnaise.

Salad "Minutka" with fried chicken - delicious and elegant

9. Now mix the salad very well. Transfer it to an unusual-looking bowl and serve it to the table.

You can, of course, let the salad stand, but it still tastes better while the meat is still warm.

Salad "Minutka" with fried chicken - delicious and elegant

Salad "Minutka" with fried chicken - delicious and elegant

Enjoy your meal!