Salad “Mystery” with chicken is an excellent-tasting salad, which has such a name due to the fact that the products that are added to it are rather unusual. At first glance, it seems that they are not compatible, but they are not. Pickled cucumber makes the salad more juicy, and it harmonizes perfectly with chicken meat. Pancake, which is fried from an egg, gives the salad an original appearance and unique taste. Onions add a special piquancy to the finished appetizer. By the way, you can use it in purple.

It is advisable to serve a ready-made salad to the table after it has stood in a cold place or in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. This is how all products will become the same temperature, and they will be well saturated during this time. To make the serving more effective, it is worth using a glass bowl with a leg.


  • Pickled cucumber (not too sour to taste) – 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Chicken breast (preferably baked in the oven in advance or boiled in water) – 150 g.
  • Bulb or purple onion – 0.5 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise – 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp. l.

Salad "Mystery" with chicken - juicy and tasty

How to cook:

1. Crack the egg immediately into a bowl with high sides. Pour the specified amount of premium flour to it.

Salad "Mystery" with chicken - juicy and tasty

2. Whisk everything with a fork.

Salad "Mystery" with chicken - juicy and tasty

3. Heat a dry frying pan, pour the prepared egg mass onto it. Now quickly twist the pan in all directions so that the mass scatters completely over it. Turn the heat down to medium and fry the pancake. In time, it is worth frying it for literally 20 seconds on one side, and then half as much time on the other.

Salad "Mystery" with chicken - juicy and tasty

4. Finely chop the pickled cucumber and onion. Do the same with the baked chicken breast.

Salad "Mystery" with chicken - juicy and tasty

5. Now cut the fried egg pancake, after twisting it into a roll.

Salad "Mystery" with chicken - juicy and tasty

6. Put onion, cucumber, chicken fillet in a bowl.

Salad "Mystery" with chicken - juicy and tasty

7. Lay egg pancake slices on top.

Salad "Mystery" with chicken - juicy and tasty

8. Add mayonnaise. You can also add salt and pepper to taste if you like.

Salad "Mystery" with chicken - juicy and tasty

9. Mix the salad well. Now put it in a beautiful salad bowl, let it stand for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, and then boldly serve it to the table. From above, you can additionally decorate it with a sprig of dill.

Salad "Mystery" with chicken - juicy and tasty

Salad "Mystery" with chicken - juicy and tasty

Enjoy your meal!