We offer today to prepare a fragrant, low-calorie and very tasty soup for those who follow their figure. This version of the first course will also be useful to those who adhere to the system of proper and dietary nutrition. Kids will love this nutritious soup with chicken, lentils and vegetables.

One serving (300 ml) of this soup contains only 150 kilocalories, light chicken protein, healthy vegetable fiber and a minimum amount of fat – only 6 g per serving. Red lentils contain highly digestible plant-based protein and add nutritional value to any meal that includes this highly beneficial legume. We will prepare all the necessary products according to the recipe.


  • Chicken fillet – 300 g.
  • Zucchini – 150 g.
  • White cabbage – 150 g.
  • Carrots – 50 g.
  • Onion – 30 g.
  • Sweet pepper – 80 g.
  • Fresh tomatoes – 70 g.
  • Red lentils – 40 g.
  • Butter – 15 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 15 g.
  • Salt, ground pepper, herbs, garlic – to taste.
  • Filtered water – 1 l.

Servings Per Container: 4-5. Cooking time: 50 minutes.

How to cook:

1. We pre-wash the vegetables in running water, dry them on a towel and clean them. Rinse the chicken fillet with clean water and pat dry with a paper towel.

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

2. Cut the fillet into thin strips, fill it with clean water, pour the lentils into the pan and set to boil over medium heat. From the moment the water boils, reduce the heat to the minimum and continue to cook for 15 minutes under the lid.

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

3. Cut the zucchini into medium-sized strips.

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

4. We also cut the cabbage into strips.

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

5. Grind carrots, onions and sweet peppers arbitrarily, but preferably not very large, and place in a pan. Add vegetable and butter. Lightly sauté vegetable slices until soft over medium heat, stirring occasionally and avoiding burning.

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

6. Add finely chopped red ripe tomatoes to the vegetables and cook for another 3-5 minutes. When the tomatoes become soft, turn off the heat. The dressing for our soup is ready.

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

7. At this point, the chicken and lentils are almost cooked. We spread the cabbage with zucchini in a saucepan and cook everything together for another 7-10 minutes with a quiet boil until the cabbage is fully cooked.

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

8. Add dressing with tomatoes, finely chopped greens, bay leaf, garlic to your soup to your liking. Don’t forget to salt and pepper if you like.

Instead of fresh herbs, you can season the soup with chicken, lentils and vegetables with your favorite seasoning to your taste.

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

9. Let our soup boil and remove the pan from the stove. Cover it with a lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

Fragrant, tasty and very satisfying soup with chicken, lentils and vegetables “Slender” is ready. Pour it into bowls and serve. It is advisable to add a slice of whole wheat flour bread or rye crackers to this soup.

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

Soup "Slimyashka" with chicken and vegetables - tasty and low-calorie

Bon appetit!