Vinaigrette is a bright salad of ordinary vegetables, which is suitable for serving in fasting or for those who adhere to a dietary and healthy diet. In addition to the main components, mushrooms are added to the salad. We took homemade champignons cooked in a light marinade. In addition to pickled champignons, you can use canned wild mushrooms, boiled oyster mushrooms or mushrooms fried with onions. When choosing beets, give preference to medium-sized root crops with intact skins. For the recipe, you will need medium starchy varieties of potatoes.

You can dress the salad with olive or sunflower oil. In order to reduce the cooking time of the vinaigrette, we advise you to boil the vegetables in advance.


  • Beets – 140 g.
  • Pickled champignons – 160 g.
  • Onion – 50 g.
  • Carrots – 140 g.
  • Potatoes – 120 g.
  • Olive oil – 30 ml.
  • Salt, pepper – to taste.
  • Parsley – 4 g.
  • Lemon (optional) – for serving

Vinaigrette with mushrooms - a bright and appetizing salad

How to cook:

1. Throw the mushrooms on a sieve, remove the marinade. Cut mushrooms into small pieces.

Vinaigrette with mushrooms - a bright and appetizing salad

2. Boil carrots for 30 minutes until soft. Remove the peel with a sharp knife and cut the vegetables into cubes with a side size of 0.9 – 1 cm.

Vinaigrette with mushrooms - a bright and appetizing salad

3. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Sprinkle lightly with vinegar or lemon juice.

Vinaigrette with mushrooms - a bright and appetizing salad

4. Peel the boiled potatoes in their skins and cut into small pieces.

Vinaigrette with mushrooms - a bright and appetizing salad

5. Put the prepared vegetables and mushrooms in a deep bowl, lightly salt, pepper and season with olive oil.

Vinaigrette with mushrooms - a bright and appetizing salad

6. Put the beetroot in a pot of cold water, cook over low heat for 45 minutes. Cool, peel. Cut the beets into cubes.

Vinaigrette with mushrooms - a bright and appetizing salad

7. Pour into a serving bowl. Add salt and season.

Vinaigrette with mushrooms - a bright and appetizing salad

8. Combine the beets with the rest of the salad ingredients.

Vinaigrette with mushrooms - a bright and appetizing salad

9. Add finely chopped parsley, mix vinaigrette.

Vinaigrette with mushrooms - a bright and appetizing salad

10. Put the salad in a loose slide, add lemon slices and serve with fresh white bread.

Delicious mouth-watering salad – vinaigrette will surely please your loved ones. The dish is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days when closed and does not lose its taste properties.

Vinaigrette with mushrooms - a bright and appetizing salad

Bon appetit!