Beetroot adjika is one of the options for a delicious preparation for the winter. Such a hot sauce is perfect for first courses, especially borscht, as well as meat. To prepare homemade adjika, choose dessert varieties of beets (dark cherry is best), so the sauce will come out much tastier and brighter (you should not use borscht varieties for preservation, as they will give adjika a rich beet taste).

Beetroot adjika prepared according to this recipe turns out to be moderately spicy, but if you want it to come out “vigorous”, add more garlic and hot pepper, or add a little ground hot pepper (red).


  • Beets – 250 g.
  • Sweet pepper – 250 g.
  • Tomatoes – 375 g.
  • Hot pepper – 1-2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 1 head.
  • Salt – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar – 25 g.
  • 9% vinegar – 25 ml.
  • Refined vegetable oil – 25 ml.

How to cook:

1. Peel the beets, wash well, cut into pieces and chop in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

2. Put the ground beets into a saucepan, in which you will then cook adjika.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

3. Peel the garlic cloves, wash the hot pepper and cut into slices (together with the seeds), then also chop.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

4. Add chopped hot pepper with garlic to chopped beets.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

5. Peel and wash the sweet pepper, cut into pieces and chop.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

6. Then add to the pan with the rest of the vegetables.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

7. Wash the ripe tomatoes, cut the stalk if necessary, and then grind into tomato puree.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

8. Pour the resulting tomato puree into the pan for the future adjika.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

9. Pour salt and sugar there, mix all the vegetables thoroughly. Cover the pot with a lid and put it on a slow fire. Boil adjika from beets (with the lid closed!), stirring occasionally, for 45 minutes.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

10. Then add 9% vinegar and vegetable oil to it, mix again and boil for 15 minutes.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

11. Place hot beet adjika in a sterile container.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

12. And immediately clog (roll up).

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

It is advisable to wrap a jar (jars) with beetroot adjika, and, only then, put the cooled preservation in a cool place for further storage.

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

Adjika from beets for the winter - a spicy and appetizing preparation

Bon appetit!