A simple and quick to prepare snack is made from affordable products. For some, this dish can act as a full-fledged lunch or dinner, for some it will seem like a light snack. In any case, this is a delicious hot dish, which, if desired, can be supplemented with a piece of fried or boiled meat, a cutlet or a sausage.


  • Broccoli – 300 g.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Salt – to taste.
  • Black ground pepper – to taste.

Broccoli with egg in a pan - a simple and quick recipe

How to cook:

1. Let’s prepare the ingredients. Broccoli cabbage can be purchased as a ready-made semi-finished product in the freezing department. Now there are even quick-frozen broccoli on sale, which are immediately ready for use in cooking. However, we recommend pre-preparing frozen cabbage.

It is better to defrost broccoli in natural conditions so that vitamins are preserved in the vegetable. If time does not allow waiting for the cabbage to defrost at room temperature, then it is enough to scald it with boiling water.

Broccoli with egg in a pan - a simple and quick recipe

2. Broccoli is cut into florets. Dip in boiling water for a couple of minutes, after salting the water. We drain the water.

Broccoli with egg in a pan - a simple and quick recipe

3. Finely chop the clove of garlic. Fry the garlic until golden brown in hot oil. We remove the pieces of garlic from the pan, the garlic gave the taste and aroma to the oil, and we will no longer need it.

Broccoli with egg in a pan - a simple and quick recipe

4. Fry the vegetable in garlic butter until lightly browned.

Broccoli with egg in a pan - a simple and quick recipe

5. Fill cabbage with egg mixture. Whisk the egg with salt and pepper. If you don’t want to dirty extra dishes, you can drive an egg into a pan, salt, pepper and immediately mix the egg with cabbage with a spatula.

Broccoli with egg in a pan - a simple and quick recipe

6. We keep it on fire for a couple more minutes, it is better to cover the pan with a lid in the last minutes so that the egg mass rises a little, becomes more airy and does not dry out.

Broccoli with egg in a pan - a simple and quick recipe

Broccoli with egg in a pan - a simple and quick recipe

Broccoli with egg in a pan - a simple and quick recipe

Bon appetit!