Cauliflower salad with cucumbers is very easy to prepare for the winter. The appetizer is simply amazing.

In season, do not miss the moment to prepare such a salad – it is perfectly stored and lasts all winter even in a normal apartment at room temperature. What is good about such preparation? There are several types of vegetables in the salad, you can choose what you like.


  • Cauliflower – 250 g.
  • Cucumbers – 150 g.
  • Onion – 100 g.
  • Water – 0.5 l.
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • Peppercorns – 3-5 pcs.
  • Dill – 1-2 sprigs.
  • Sugar – 10 g.
  • Salt – 10 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% – 50 g.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

How to cook:

1. Divide the cauliflower into small inflorescences so that they fit easily into the neck of the jar. You don’t need to boil cabbage.

If you boil cabbage and sterilize it in water, it will be too soft.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

2. Cut the peeled onion into half rings – it will crunch in the salad.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

3. Cut the washed cucumbers into half rings of medium thickness.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

4. At the bottom of a well-washed and sterilized glass jar, add spices for aroma – bay leaf and peppercorns.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

5. Add a couple of sprigs of dill, put some cabbage inflorescences.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

6. Then lay out a little onion and cucumbers in layers.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

7. Continue to layer vegetables – cauliflower, onions and cucumbers.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

8. Cook the marinade – boil water, add salt and the required amount of sugar. When it boils, stir until dissolved, reduce heat, carefully pour in 9% vinegar. Bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

9. Pour hot marinade and hot oil into a jar of vegetables – heat it up to the first bubbles.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

10. Heat water in a saucepan, put a cloth on the bottom and place a jar of salad. Sterilize the workpiece 10 minutes after boiling water in a saucepan.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

11. Roll up the jars with lids and turn upside down to check for leaks. Insulate the salad with a blanket and let it cool completely – at least overnight.

Store the finished salad in a dark pantry where the sun’s rays do not fall or store in the cellar.

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

Cauliflower salad with cucumbers - a healthy and tasty recipe for the winter

Bon appetit!