Charlotte can be safely prepared with fresh apricots. To taste, it will turn out to be very fragrant, bright and beautiful in the context. For its preparation, you should definitely use fresh eggs, they will beat well, and the finished charlotte will come out high in appearance. Apricots need to be taken not overripe, otherwise when they are broken, they will lose their attractive appearance. In winter, this kind of charlotte can be made with dried apricots.

You can bake it in a round metal removable form or silic1. In a metal mold, it is desirable to put parchment paper on the bottom, from which cut a circle. Do the same with the sides of the mold. In a silicone mold, this procedure is not necessary, since baking never sticks to the walls in it.


  • Chicken eggs are medium in size – 3 pcs.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Apricots – 70-100 g.

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

How to cook:

1. Whisk the eggs into a large bowl.

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

2. Beat them at medium speed of the mixer for 1 minute. The mass should become lush, with bubbles.

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

3. Then add sugar.

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

4. Beat the egg mass again, only now for 3-4 minutes at the maximum speed of the mixer. Now the egg mass should increase in volume by at least 2-3 times.

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

5. Add the sifted flour.

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

6. Mix the dough very well with a silicone spatula. This procedure should be done, as if lifting the dough from the bottom up.

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

7. Pour the prepared biscuit dough into a baking dish. If it’s metal, then line it with parchment paper.

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

8. Wash the apricots, remove the stones, dividing each of them very carefully in half.

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

9. Send the charlotte to the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 25-30 minutes. So that it does not burn on top, you can cover it with foil or a clean landscape leaf after 20 minutes.

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

10. Gently transfer the cake to a dish. When it cools down, you can cut the charlotte with apricots into pieces and serve them boldly to the table.

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

Charlotte with fresh apricots - fragrant and beautiful pastries

Enjoy your meal!