Cheesecakes with pumpkin or pumpkins – a very interesting dish. Even after eating a whole portion, your family will not guess that these are cheesecakes. And all because the taste of cottage cheese in them is almost imperceptible.

Cheesecakes are soft and tender inside, with a delicious crispy crust. In addition, they have a bright taste and no less bright “sunny” color.

I would also like to note the distinctive feature of this dish – rice flour is added to the dough.


  • Cottage cheese with a fat content of 5-9% – 180 g.
  • Pumpkin – 300 g.
  • Chicken egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • Rice flour – 50 g.
  • Wheat flour – for molding.
  • Salt – to taste.
  • Freshly ground black pepper – to taste.
  • Whole nutmeg – 1 pc.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

How to cook:

1. Remove the skin and seeds from the pumpkin and cut into cubes with a side of about 2 centimeters. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the pumpkin.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the pumpkin in the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes until soft.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

3. Put the pumpkin pieces in a blender bowl and grind to a puree.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

4. Pour cottage cheese to pumpkin puree. Grind into a homogeneous mass.

Use as dry cottage cheese as possible.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

5. Transfer the curd-pumpkin mass to a bowl.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

6. Grate the nutmeg on the smallest grater so that you get half a teaspoon.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

7. Add the egg yolk, salt, black pepper and nutmeg to the bowl.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

8. Pour in the rice flour.

For a more savory taste, you can add a quarter teaspoon of ground ginger to the cheesecake dough.

Mix thoroughly. Cover the bowl with cling film.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

9. Send the dough to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

If you are limited in the morning in time, you can knead the dough in the evening. But, be sure to tighten the bowl with the dough with cling film. You can not worry, nothing will happen to the curd mass.

Sprinkle wheat flour on a plate. Form cheesecakes from the dough and roll them on both sides in flour.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

10. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan. Lay out a portion of cheesecakes.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

11. Fry cheesecakes on both sides over low heat under a lid. If desired, you can then bake them in the oven – 10 minutes.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

12. Put hot cheesecakes with pumpkin on a dish, and serve them to the table with sour cream.

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

Cheesecakes with pumpkin - soft, tender and original

Bon appetit!