Making blackcurrant jam is easy. It is much more difficult to control yourself and not eat too much of this fragrant and divinely delicious delicacy.

It is desirable to connect as many assistants as possible to cleaning berries. Then the rather painstaking work will not stretch for several hours. In contrast to the tedious pre-preparation of berries, the brewing of blackcurrant jam itself is very simple.

You need to cook the berries in one go, from time to time removing the foam. The output is a thick jam with the aroma of fresh currants and a delicate taste.


  • Black currant – 1.1 kg.
  • Sugar – 800 g.

Divine blackcurrant jam - fragrant and tasty delicacy

How to cook:

1. For jam, you need to choose fragrant, healthy ripe berries. The skin on them should be intact. Crushed and unripe berries are best sorted during cleaning and used for berry puree. Currants should be cleaned of debris and cut tails from each berry. Only then should the fruit be washed.

Divine blackcurrant jam - fragrant and tasty delicacy

2. In order for the berries to easily release juice and absorb sugar during the cooking process, they must first be blanched. To do this, pour boiling water into a convenient container and wait 2-3 minutes until it cools down a bit. Pour half a glass of currants into a colander or sieve and immerse for 1 minute in hot water. Throw the berries into a bowl for cooking jam. Similarly, process the rest of the currant. As a result, microscopic cracks will appear on the skin of the fruit. Through them, the syrup will be absorbed and the juice will come out, and the skin itself will remain intact.

Divine blackcurrant jam - fragrant and tasty delicacy

3. The water remaining after blanching can be used for syrup. It will take only 500 ml. Pour sugar into this water.

Divine blackcurrant jam - fragrant and tasty delicacy

4. Put on medium heat and stir so that the grains do not burn and the grains dissolve faster. Bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. Pour blackcurrants with hot syrup, and immediately put a bowl of jam on the fire.

Divine blackcurrant jam - fragrant and tasty delicacy

5. The total cooking time is 30 minutes. The fire must be adjusted to maintain a constant boil, but the foam did not escape. Every 10 minutes, the basin must be removed from the fire and the thick foam removed.

Divine blackcurrant jam - fragrant and tasty delicacy

6. You do not need to mix the berries. The readiness of the jam can be checked by dropping 2-3 drops on a cold saucer. If they do not flow and retain their hemispherical shape, then the blackcurrant jam is ready.

Divine blackcurrant jam - fragrant and tasty delicacy

7. It remains to shift the jam into sterile jars and roll up.

Divine blackcurrant jam - fragrant and tasty delicacy

To prevent the jam from spoiling, wrap it in a blanket so that it cools as slowly as possible. After 10-12 hours, the blanket can be removed and further stored jars of blackcurrant jam in a cupboard at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees.

Divine blackcurrant jam - fragrant and tasty delicacy

Divine blackcurrant jam - fragrant and tasty delicacy

Enjoy your meal!