Beef stewed in a creamy sauce is known all over the world. It owes its name to Count Stroganov, who simply adored meat dishes. But due to the lack of teeth, he could no longer enjoy this dish, so his chef came up with a dish when the meat is as tender and soft as possible. Beef stroganoff is traditionally served with mashed potatoes, but you can also serve any other side dish.


  • Beef tenderloin – 250 g.
  • One onion – 120 g.
  • Wheat flour – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream of any fat content – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Any greens – a bunch.
  • Salt, spices – to taste.

Classic beef stroganoff - unusually tender and juicy meat

How to cook:

1. First of all, the tenderloin should be cut into flat steaks, which should be lightly beaten off with a kitchen hammer. Don’t forget to cover the meat with a plastic bag.

Classic beef stroganoff - unusually tender and juicy meat

2. Now the meat needs to be cut into small pieces, their length should be about three to four centimeters.

It is important that you need to cut along the fibers, so the meat will be as juicy as possible.

Classic beef stroganoff - unusually tender and juicy meat

3. Chop the onion into small pieces and send to saute on a drop of sunflower oil.

Classic beef stroganoff - unusually tender and juicy meat

4. After five minutes of sauteing the onion, add the meat to the pan. It should be fried over high heat for five minutes.

Classic beef stroganoff - unusually tender and juicy meat

5. Sift the flour to avoid lumps and pour into the pan to the meat. To stir thoroughly.

Classic beef stroganoff - unusually tender and juicy meat

6. Now you need to add boiled water and stir everything well again. Simmer for ten minutes over high heat.

Classic beef stroganoff - unusually tender and juicy meat

7. Add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream to the meat and mix again.

Classic beef stroganoff - unusually tender and juicy meat

8. Be sure to add salt, black pepper, and a leaf of bay pepper for flavor.

Classic beef stroganoff - unusually tender and juicy meat

Beef stroganoff is best served with mashed potatoes or rice. In our case, we used wild rice, as well as fresh vegetables and herbs.

Classic beef stroganoff - unusually tender and juicy meat

Classic beef stroganoff - unusually tender and juicy meat

Bon appetit!