If your family, namely children, do not want to eat cottage cheese in its pure form, then offer them cottage cheese donuts. Donuts according to this recipe are very tasty. This dish is prepared as quickly as it is eaten, quickly enough.


  • Cottage cheese – 300-350 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 3.5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Wheat flour – 2-2.5 tbsp.
  • Coconut flakes – optional.
  • Soda is on the tip of a knife.
  • Cinnamon and vanilla sugar – to taste.
  • Vegetable oil for deep frying – 1-2 tbsp.

Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

How to cook:

1. Use cottage cheese of any fat content for making donuts, rub it lightly with a spatula so that there are no lumps.

Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

2. Prepare the curd dough. Pour cottage cheese into a deep bowl, beat in chicken eggs and add sugar. Stir the curd mass, add soda on the tip of a knife or a teaspoon of baking powder.

Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

3. Add the sifted flour to the curd dough, throw in a pinch of salt, vanilla sugar or cinnamon.

For a variety of flavors, you can add coconut flakes to the dough, a few tablespoons. You can also use finely chopped raisins, dried apricots, chocolate as a filler for donuts.


Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

4. Mix the dough first with a spatula, then do it with your hands. The finished dough will not turn out to be too homogeneous and plastic, since its main composition is cottage cheese. Leave the dough alone for 10-15 minutes so that the gluten in it disperses. Sculpting and shaping donuts after that will be much easier.

Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

5. Form donuts from the dough. Lightly flour your hands and pinch off the dough, roll into small balls.

Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

6. You can make donuts with a hole. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough, cut out donut blanks with notches.

Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

7. Heat vegetable oil well in a saucepan or saucepan. Fry donuts in batches until golden brown. Lay donuts on paper towels to remove excess oil. Sprinkle generously with powdered sugar on top of donuts before serving.

Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

Cottage cheese donuts can be served separately, or together with sour cream, condensed milk.

Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

Cottage cheese donuts - they turn out very tasty

Bon appetit!