Custard cottage cheese Easter always turns out not only very tasty, but also beautiful in appearance. This recipe will help out that hostess who does not know how to bake classic Easter cakes or she does not have enough time for this. Also important in this recipe is that there is nothing complicated to prepare. The only thing you need is a special plastic mold. Now it is in many stores and even on the market, so you can buy it with ease.

To prepare such an original, tender Easter, you should use the cottage cheese that you are sure of. It is better, of course, that it was homemade cottage cheese. However, if you cannot purchase it or there is nowhere to do it, then buy it in the store. Butter, which will need to be added to the curd, must be of the highest quality. Better to have it at home too.

To make Easter even more original in taste, it is advisable to add poppy seeds to the curd, but it is not an obligatory ingredient. The amount of sugar can be reduced or increased according to taste preferences.


  • Cottage cheese – 350-400 g.
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Poppy – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Colored dressing – 1 tsp.

Custard cottage cheese Easter - festive and original

How to cook:

1. So, immediately add butter to the curd. It doesn’t matter if it’s soft or if you just took it out of the fridge.

Custard cottage cheese Easter - festive and original

2. Pour the indicated amount of sugar there. Replace it with honey or powdered sugar.

Custard cottage cheese Easter - festive and original

3. Crack an egg into a bowl and add it to the curd mixture.

Custard cottage cheese Easter - festive and original

4. Now add the poppy as the final ingredient.

Custard cottage cheese Easter - festive and original

5. On fire, brew Easter for 30-45 seconds, while constantly stirring everything with a silicone spatula and not allowing it to stick to the wall and bottom of the pan. Get ready for Easter. Be sure to cover it with gauze or cotton cloth.

Custard cottage cheese Easter - festive and original

6. Lay out the curd mass. Press it well on top with the same silicone spatula that you used for altering.

Custard cottage cheese Easter - festive and original

7. Now tuck the edges of the gauze inward. Place a cup of water on top. She will serve as a w8.

Custard cottage cheese Easter - festive and original

8. Leave Easter for a day, putting it in a deep plate and sending it to the refrigerator. During this time, excess serum will stand out, which will need to be drained.

Here is such a curd Easter custard came out!

Custard cottage cheese Easter - festive and original

Custard cottage cheese Easter - festive and original

Bon appetit!