Eggs baked in tomatoes in the oven are very bright in appearance, hearty and tasty. They can be safely prepared for breakfast, since their preparation time is quite short, and the cooking procedure is simple. It is best to serve the finished dish to the table immediately after preparation.

Tomatoes should be purchased not too large in size, it is better to take chicken eggs at home. You can take pink tomatoes, they are much tastier and meatier than red ones. You can grease the inside of the tomatoes with mayonnaise or sour cream. In order for the vegetables to “hold” and not fall on the baking sheet, they should be put on the foil and tuck a little edge in it. Or you can use a ceramic baking dish so that the vegetables “stand” well in it. In any case, you should definitely take care of this moment so that the egg mass does not run out during the cooking process.


  • Chicken eggs (preferably homemade) – 3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Salt – to taste.
  • Mayonnaise with any percentage of fat (or sour cream) – 1.5 tsp.
  • Fresh dill – to decorate the dish.
  • Ground black pepper – to taste.

Eggs baked in tomatoes - a bright, simple and satisfying snack

Servings Per Container: 3.

How to cook:

1. Wash fresh tomatoes, very carefully cut out the middle with a sharp knife. You can do the procedure with a teaspoon.

Eggs baked in tomatoes - a bright, simple and satisfying snack

2. Salt and pepper each tomato inside. Other spices are also suitable, for example, paprika, oregano.

Eggs baked in tomatoes - a bright, simple and satisfying snack

3. Lubricate the vegetables inside with mayonnaise or sour cream.

Eggs baked in tomatoes - a bright, simple and satisfying snack

4. In a separate bowl, beat the chicken eggs with a fork.

Eggs baked in tomatoes - a bright, simple and satisfying snack

5. Add salt to the egg mass, mix.

Eggs baked in tomatoes - a bright, simple and satisfying snack

6. Put the foil on a baking sheet, put the tomatoes, tuck the edges of the foil so that the vegetables stand well and do not lean. Now very carefully pour the egg mass into the tomatoes.

Eggs baked in tomatoes - a bright, simple and satisfying snack

7. Send the eggs in tomatoes to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Eggs baked in tomatoes - a bright, simple and satisfying snack

Lay the cooked eggs baked in tomatoes very carefully on a dish. Place a sprig of dill on top of each. Now boldly serve the dish to the table.

Eggs baked in tomatoes - a bright, simple and satisfying snack

Eggs baked in tomatoes - a bright, simple and satisfying snack

Enjoy your meal!