Fish in batter is very tasty and satisfying. You can use hake, pollock, or any other fish that has few bones. If for some reason you want river fish, such as silver carp, pike, crucian carp, then you can buy it. However, if the dish is being prepared for a holiday, it is still better to opt for a fish with the lowest bone content, otherwise, there is a threat that guests will not want to eat it.

When choosing a fish, you should pay attention to its appearance. The eyes of the fish should not be cloudy, there should be no spots, and the unpleasant smell should be completely absent. The batter for cooking should be made exclusively before you start frying pieces of fish. It can be prepared from flour, eggs and mayonnaise. However, any other batter option will also work. It is necessary to fry the fish in a Teflon-coated pan, so each piece of fish will be evenly fried and will be attractive and appetizing in appearance.


  • Fish – 1 pc.
  • Salt – to taste.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Mayonnaise – 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish


1. Wash the fish very well, cut off the fins and tail. Cut it into pieces of equal size.

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish

2. Salt each piece.

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish

3. Drive an egg into a bowl.

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish

4. Add mayonnaise to it.

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish

5. Then flour.

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish

6. Mix all the ingredients well with a fork.

This is a future batter, so it must be without lumps.

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish

7. Dip the fish in the prepared batter.

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish

8. Heat vegetable oil in a pan, put the pieces of fish.

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish

9. Fry them over medium heat until golden and attractive.

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish

Transfer the pieces to a dish and serve! Here is such an appetizing and very tasty fish in batter turned out!

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish

Fish in batter on the festive table - a tasty, satisfying and affordable dish

Bon appetit!