Jewish eggs are not only a very tasty, unusual breakfast, but also quite satisfying, since vegetables are also used in addition to eggs. By the way, most likely this recipe will seem somewhat unusual, non-standard to you, however, we advise you not only to pay attention to it, but also to try to cook it. After all, really ready-made eggs will have a unique and unique taste. Of course, when choosing products, it is advisable to buy homemade eggs, because they are many times tastier than store-bought ones, and even more useful. Onions will suit both the most common onion and purple. So use the one you like best.

Since the dish turns out to be quite satisfying, you don’t need to cook anything else for it. This applies primarily to side dishes. If you like vegetable salads, you can cook some of them, but keep in mind that when frying eggs, some vegetables are also added, so this salad may not be in demand. We advise you to definitely diversify your menu and cook such unusual Jewish eggs instead of the usual scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs.


  • Chicken eggs, preferably homemade – 2 pcs.
  • Greens (dill, parsley, cilantro and others are suitable) – to taste.
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Red pepper – 0.5 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Salt, pepper, sugar – to taste.
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml.

Jewish eggs - a delicious and unusual recipe

How to cook:

1. Cut the onion, garlic into cubes not large in size.

Jewish eggs - a delicious and unusual recipe

2. Cut the red sweet pepper into the same cubes.

Jewish eggs - a delicious and unusual recipe

3. Do the same with the tomato.

Jewish eggs - a delicious and unusual recipe

4. Put all the chopped vegetables into the pan, pour in the vegetable oil. Add spices: salt, pepper and sugar.

Jewish eggs - a delicious and unusual recipe

5. Simmer the vegetables for literally 2-3 minutes. Then beat the chicken eggs into them. Cover the pan with a lid and place it on low heat.

Jewish eggs - a delicious and unusual recipe

6. Meanwhile, chop the greens. Suitable dill, parsley, cilantro and others.

Jewish eggs - a delicious and unusual recipe

7. When the eggs are ready, remove the pan from the stove. Be sure to remove the cover immediately.

Jewish eggs - a delicious and unusual recipe

8. Now at the end, just put the chopped greens on the dish.

These are the Jewish eggs! Be sure to make them!

Jewish eggs - a delicious and unusual recipe

Jewish eggs - a delicious and unusual recipe

Bon appetit!