Manly juicy pork is a dish that will always be in demand among the male half of society. They adore it so much that they are ready to eat it, almost every day. Cooking such meat is not at all difficult, but it turns out to be very juicy, tender and satisfying. That is why, if you have not figured out what to cook for dinner, use this recipe. You can serve ready-made yummy just like an appetizer or make some additional side dish. Well, of course, for lovers of salads, you can cook them.

It is desirable to fry meat in a cast-iron or regular pan, but it must have a non-stick coating. Onions can be added at the very beginning or later. It is necessary to marinate the meat, it is on this that its taste will largely depend. If there is no time to wait, then you can start frying it in 10 minutes.


  • Pork – 350-400 g.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Lemon – 0.5 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper – to taste.
  • Vinegar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 40 ml.

Juicy pork in a man's way - a tender and satisfying dish

How to cook:

1. Take a piece of pork, be sure to wash it. After that, cut into medium-sized pieces.

Juicy pork in a man's way - a tender and satisfying dish

2. Cut the onion into half rings, but be sure to peel it first and wash it under running water.

Juicy pork in a man's way - a tender and satisfying dish

3. Put the chopped meat and onions in a bowl.

Juicy pork in a man's way - a tender and satisfying dish

4. Pour in the vinegar. You can use not only the usual table, but also apple.

Juicy pork in a man's way - a tender and satisfying dish

5. Now squeeze in the lemon juice. You can take both fresh and buy ready-made in a special plastic container.

Juicy pork in a man's way - a tender and satisfying dish

6. Add salt and pepper.

Feel free to add the spices that you like the most.

Juicy pork in a man's way - a tender and satisfying dish

7. Leave the meat to marinate for an hour. Then heat up the vegetable oil. Put the marinated meat with onions.

Juicy pork in a man's way - a tender and satisfying dish

8. Fry the meat over medium heat until nice and golden brown. Be sure to turn it over often so that it does not burn in any case. Overcooked meat will not taste juicy.

Juicy pork in a man's way - a tender and satisfying dish

Here is such an appetizing juicy pork in a manly way! Serve it immediately to the table, as it is in the hot form that the dish will be tastier than the cold 1.

Juicy pork in a man's way - a tender and satisfying dish

Juicy pork in a man's way - a tender and satisfying dish

Bon appetit!