Delicious and original mushroom julienne in zucchini is obtained. In the summer, prepare such a dish for your family and friends. Also, your guests will appreciate this treat at the festive table. It is in summer that you can buy vegetables for a penny and cook a real masterpiece from them.

In this case, zucchini will become the basis for a delicious julienne. For the filling, take champignons and onions. Sprinkle the finished dish with grated cheese to melt it. Mushroom and zucchini julienne is something new and will surprise many. Check out this amazing recipe!


  • Young zucchini – 250 g.
  • Champignons – 150 g.
  • Hard cheese – 80 g.
  • Onion – 50 g.
  • Wheat flour – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cream 10-15% – 80 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 40 g.
  • Salt, black pepper – to taste.

Mushroom julienne in zucchini - an unusual summer snack

How to cook:

1. Rinse the champignons well and cut into medium cubes – after frying, the mushrooms will become even smaller.

Mushroom julienne in zucchini - an unusual summer snack

2. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Mushroom julienne in zucchini - an unusual summer snack

3. Pour a little oil into a frying pan, heat over medium heat and add mushrooms with onions. Fry vegetables with champignons for 6-7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt and black pepper to taste.

Mushroom julienne in zucchini - an unusual summer snack

4. Then add wheat flour, mix – the filling will become thicker with flour.

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5. Pour in the cream and simmer the mushroom filling for a couple of minutes until thickened.

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6. Rinse the zucchini, cut off the stems. Cut the zucchini into large rings – washers, 4-5 cm long.

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7. Using a tea or coffee spoon, remove the inside.

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8. Grease a baking dish with a little oil, put the zucchini, salt and pepper. Send the zucchini to bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180C. So the zucchini will become softer and the julienne will cook faster.

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9. Remove almost ready zucchini from the oven, fill with mushroom filling, lay out with a slide. Return the julienne to the oven for another 10 minutes. Once the zucchini is completely soft.

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10. Grate hard cheese. Use any cheese – to your taste and what is in the refrigerator.

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11. Sprinkle julienne with grated cheese and bake in the oven for another 3-4 minutes.

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12. The cheese is melted and the dish is ready!

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Mushroom julienne in zucchini immediately serve to the table. Fragrant and tasty dish everyone will like. Zucchini pairs perfectly with mushrooms.

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Bon appetit!