Incredibly simple, but very tasty dish – baked potatoes. It can be served as an independent dish, or as a side dish. Pairs well with red fish or chicken. For fasting – generally a godsend. Potatoes with rosemary and garlic, baked in the oven, are fragrant and ruddy.


  • Potato – 1 kg.
  • Rosemary – 2 sprigs.
  • Fresh garlic – 5 small cloves or 1/2 tsp
  • Salt – to taste.
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

1. New potatoes are best for baking. It contains more starch. Rosemary can be used either dried or fresh. It all depends on your capabilities. The ideal oil is olive oil. But sunflower is fine too. Use only virgin olive oil. Garlic is best used dry. It gives more flavor. You can add freshly ground black pepper.

New potatoes with garlic in the oven - simple and very tasty

2. Young potatoes do not need to be peeled. Just wash it with an iron brush or a clean, rough dishwashing sponge. You peel off the thin skin and remove the dirt. Cut small potatoes into 4 parts, this will be enough.

If using old large potatoes, it is better to cut into thin slices.

Add vegetable oil.

New potatoes with garlic in the oven - simple and very tasty

3. Salt the potatoes to taste. Stir.

New potatoes with garlic in the oven - simple and very tasty

4. Pound rosemary in a mortar or just between your fingers to better reveal the aroma. You do not need to grind it, let it remain intact.

Hard rosemary is not very pleasant to chew. It is best to take it off while eating. If the needles remain intact, it will be easier to do this.

Peel the garlic and squeeze through a press. You can finely chop or grate on a fine grater. Mix potatoes with spices.

New potatoes with garlic in the oven - simple and very tasty

5. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and lay out the potatoes in one layer. At this stage, you can add ground black pepper. If the slices are layered, the potatoes will turn out not baked, but stewed. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

New potatoes with garlic in the oven - simple and very tasty

6. Record 35 minutes and take out the baking sheet.

New potatoes with garlic in the oven - simple and very tasty

7. Divide the potatoes between plates while warm and serve. As an addition, sour cream sauce with garlic and dill is ideal.

New potatoes with garlic in the oven - simple and very tasty

New potatoes with garlic in the oven - simple and very tasty

New potatoes with garlic in the oven - simple and very tasty

Bon appetit!