Today we offer to cook original rice balls with cheese inside. They turn out very tasty and quite satisfying. For their preparation, you can use long-grain or round rice.

You need to fry such balls in a large amount of vegetable oil. It is best to serve them just like that or with some tasty and spicy sauce, for example, garlic is suitable.


  • Rice – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Salt – to taste.
  • Ground black pepper – 1 pinch.
  • Hard cheese – 30-50 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 250 ml.

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

How to cook:

1. Put the rice in a bowl and wash it very thoroughly under running water. Fill it with clean water.

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

2. Send the bowl of rice to the stove. Boil it until fully cooked. In time, this procedure usually takes 20-25 minutes.

The fire should be minimal, after the water with rice is completely boiled.

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

3. Cool the boiled rice, then beat in a chicken egg to it.

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

4. Add salt and ground black pepper.

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

5. Mix the rice mass very well.

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

6. Cut hard cheese into cubes of approximately 1.5-2 cm by 1.5-2 cm.

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

7. Moisten your hands with cold water. Take some rice, crush it. Put a piece of hard cheese inside.

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

8. Now carefully form a ball. Do the same with the rest of the rice and hard cheese.

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

9. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan or bowl. Lay out the prepared rice balls.

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

10. Fry them until golden brown on all sides. In time, this procedure takes about 6-7 minutes.

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

11. Put the finished rice balls with cheese filling first on a paper towel, and after 2 minutes, put them on a dish and serve. As you can see, the recipe itself is not complicated, and the result is simply excellent!

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

Original rice balls with cheese - an easy recipe for an excellent snack

Enjoy your meal!