To prepare a delicious pickled watermelon, slightly carbonated and sour-salty, it is not at all necessary to ferment it entirely in a barrel and wait a whole month, or even two, when it is well salted.

Using this step-by-step recipe with a photo, you can taste delicious pickled watermelon in a day. The fermentation process is extremely simple: watermelon is cut into slices, put into a liter jar (you can also put it into a three-liter jar, while increasing the amount of ingredients needed to prepare the brine), and then pour cold brine. Watermelons are fermented without the addition of vinegar, in the process of natural fermentation. This method is good not only for the speed of preparation, but also for the fact that the green-striped berry turns out to be unusual, but very tasty.


  • Watermelon – 1 pc.
  • Water – 0.5 l.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l. with a hill.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l. (incomplete).

How to cook:

1. Wash the watermelon well, cut into small slices or pieces, carefully cut the peel, cutting off the completely white edge, if desired, remove the seeds.

Pickled watermelon in a jar of instant food

2. In a clean liter jar (sterilized is not necessary), put the chopped and peeled pieces of watermelon.

Pickled watermelon in a jar of instant food

3. Prepare the brine: in a saucepan, combine cold water with salt and sugar, stir thoroughly so that they are completely dissolved.

Pickled watermelon in a jar of instant food

4. With cold brine (no need to boil or heat it), pour watermelon slices so that the liquid completely covers them.

Pickled watermelon in a jar of instant food

5. Cover the jar with a clean nylon lid and leave at room temperature for a day. During this time, the fermentation process will begin, the pieces of watermelon will rise to the top of the jar, and the brine itself will become cloudy.

Pickled watermelon in a jar of instant food

After one or two days, pickled watermelon can be tasted.

Pickled watermelon in a jar of instant food

Pickled watermelon in a jar of instant food

Pickled watermelon in a jar of instant food

Pickled watermelon in a jar of instant food

Enjoy your meal!