Pilaf in the sleeve turns out to be very satisfying and tasty. It cooks in the oven. As meat, you can use homemade chicken, duck, turkey, pork, beef. It is better to take steamed rice, it cooks much faster and the pilaf comes out of it crumbly and tasty.

In order for the pilaf to be bright and beautiful in appearance, carrots should be added to it. You can also add bell peppers and onions if you like these vegetables, of course. From spices, you can stop the choice on pepper with a black hammer, or you can add special spices for pilaf.


  • Rice – 1 tbsp.
  • Meat – 500 g.
  • Salt – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Ground black pepper – to taste.
  • Carrots – 70 g.
  • Dill – for serving.

Pilaf in the sleeve in the oven - crumbly, beautiful and very tasty


1. Put the rice in a deep bowl and wash it very well. Drain the water and repeat the procedure again.

The water should be clear, this is what will indicate that the rice is completely washed.

Pilaf in the sleeve in the oven - crumbly, beautiful and very tasty

2. Wash the meat. If it is a whole piece or carcass, then cut it into portions. Put them in a bowl.

Pilaf in the sleeve in the oven - crumbly, beautiful and very tasty

3. Top with washed rice.

Pilaf in the sleeve in the oven - crumbly, beautiful and very tasty

4. Add salt and ground black pepper.

Pilaf in the sleeve in the oven - crumbly, beautiful and very tasty

5. Peel the carrots and cut them into pieces, put them in a bowl with all the previous ingredients.

Pilaf in the sleeve in the oven - crumbly, beautiful and very tasty

6. Mix everything very well.

Pilaf in the sleeve in the oven - crumbly, beautiful and very tasty

7. Then carefully place everything in the baking sleeve. Tie it on both sides. To do this, use the special ties that are sold with the baking sleeve.

Pilaf in the sleeve in the oven - crumbly, beautiful and very tasty

8. Cook pilaf in the oven at 190 degrees for 1 hour. After 40 minutes, you can take the pilaf out of the oven, cut the sleeve and mix it well with a spoon. Then put the dish back in the oven.

Pilaf in the sleeve in the oven - crumbly, beautiful and very tasty

Put the finished pilaf in plates and serve. You can decorate the dish with herbs on top.

Pilaf in the sleeve in the oven - crumbly, beautiful and very tasty

Pilaf in the sleeve in the oven - crumbly, beautiful and very tasty

Enjoy your meal!