Salad Calendar with chicken liver is a tasty and hearty dish that can be the highlight of the New Year’s holiday table. Although, it is quite possible to prepare such a salad on the occasion of another holiday. Then you have to show imagination and arrange it in a different form, corresponding to the theme of the event. Chicken liver is quite possible with turkey, as it is also soft and tender. And if you decide to use beef or pork offal, then do not forget to soak it in cold water for several hours.


  • Chicken liver – 150 g.
  • Potato – 1 pc.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Bulb – ½ pc.
  • Hard cheese – 70 g.
  • Mayonnaise – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Fresh parsley – 2-3 sprigs (for decoration).
  • Fresh carrots – 2-3 pieces (for decoration).

Cooking time: 1 hour. Servings Per Container: 2-3.


1. Chicken liver should be washed in several waters, then boiled in salted water. After 20 minutes, the liver should be removed and cooled, cut into small cubes.

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

2. Potatoes must be boiled in advance in a peel, cool and peel. It is more convenient to use grated potatoes, so grate the vegetable on a coarse or fine grater.

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

3. Put the grated potatoes in the shape of a rectangle on a flat dish, tamp and brush with mayonnaise on top.

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

4. Gently place the chicken liver pieces on top of the potatoes.

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

5. A small onion needs to be peeled, finely chopped and sprinkled with liver pieces.

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

6. On top of the onion, apply a small amount of mayonnaise and gently spread over the entire surface of the salad.

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

7. Any hard cheese will do. Grate it on a fine grater and form the next layer. Apply mayonnaise. Gently spread the mayonnaise over the top of the cheese layer.

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

8. Peel hard-boiled eggs, divide into proteins and yolks. Then grate the whites on a coarse grater, put on top of the cheese.

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

9. Make a mayonnaise layer on the surface of the grated proteins.

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

10. Grate egg yolks or mash with a fork. Sprinkle the resulting crumb on top of the salad to give it more resemblance to a calendar.

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

11. Grease the salad with mayonnaise on the sides. Additionally, decorate it with fresh herbs, cut out a unit and the letter Y from carrot slices.

The salad can be allowed to brew for half an hour, after which it can be served.

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

Salad "Calendar" on the New Year's table - unusual, beautiful and tasty

Enjoy your meal!