Many of you often buy salted herring in stores or markets to complement main courses or serve as a snack on the table. Sometimes such store-bought herring comes across salted, or tastes not very decent, and sometimes with blood inside.

Today we want to show how easy it is to make salted herring at home, which will be ready for use in a day. It will be Norwegian herring, tender and lightly salted to taste.


  • Large freshly frozen herring – 1 pc.
  • Carrot – 2 pcs.
  • Large onion – 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • A mixture of peppers (peas) – 0.5 tsp.
  • Water – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt – 3 tsp
  • Sugar – 3 tsp
  • Dill – optional.

Salted herring in Norwegian - fast, simple and tasty

How to cook:

1. Prepare the herring marinade in advance so that it has time to cool. To do this, boil a glass of water in a saucepan and add the necessary salt and sugar, bay leaf and a pinch of a mixture of peppercorns. Boil the marinade for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat. You can also add chopped dill if you like.

The marinade will make the fish juicy and also pull out all the unnecessary ichor from it.

Salted herring in Norwegian - fast, simple and tasty

2. First defrost one large herring, cut off the head and remove all the insides.

If you come across caviar or milk, you can also marinate them with fish.

Rinse the herring and cut into portions.

Salted herring in Norwegian - fast, simple and tasty

3. Peel one large carrot and onion, cut into thin slices. Carrots can be grated.

Salted herring in Norwegian - fast, simple and tasty

4. Wash the liter jar. You can take a food container instead of a jar. At the bottom of the jar, put some carrots and onions, then pieces of herring. Gradually fill the entire jar with prepared ingredients.

Salted herring in Norwegian - fast, simple and tasty

5. Pour the herring with vegetables with the cooled marinade and cover. Remove marinated herring in the refrigerator for a day.

Salted herring in Norwegian - fast, simple and tasty

The very next day, your lightly salted Norwegian herring will be ready to eat. We recommend serving this herring with carrots and onions from a jar. This herring will be very tasty with baked potatoes in their skins or even just with a piece of fragrant crispy bread.

Salted herring is stored for up to 3 days in the refrigerator, but usually it is eaten in one day.

Salted herring in Norwegian - fast, simple and tasty

Salted herring in Norwegian - fast, simple and tasty

Salted herring in Norwegian - fast, simple and tasty

Bon appetit!