Sandwiches “Flowers” from crab sticks can be prepared without much effort if guests suddenly appeared. It turns out such an appetizer is not only tasty and satisfying, but also quite festive in appearance. For its preparation, inexpensive ingredients are used, the most important of which is crab sticks, so when buying them, you should give preference to a proven brand.

In order for the sandwiches to look more attractive, circles should be squeezed out of the bread, and only then sandwiches should be made from them. Greens are also an obligatory ingredient, it is thanks to her that the finished snack looks more festive. You can grease the circles of bread with mayonnaise, sour cream, butter or soft cheese. This kind of appetizer is best served as an independent dish, but it goes well with any meat dishes and side dishes.


  • Crab sticks – 100 g.
  • Bread – 4-5 pieces.
  • Mayonnaise – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Dill – a few branches.

Sandwiches "Flowers" from crab sticks - a simple and beautiful snack without much effort


1. Put the bread on a cutting board. Squeeze circles with a metal ring.

If you do not have a metal ring, then use a regular glass.

Sandwiches "Flowers" from crab sticks - a simple and beautiful snack without much effort

2. Transfer the slices of bread to the dish on which you will serve sandwiches to the table.

Sandwiches "Flowers" from crab sticks - a simple and beautiful snack without much effort

3. Put on each mayonnaise with a spoon.

Sandwiches "Flowers" from crab sticks - a simple and beautiful snack without much effort

4. Cut crab sticks into elongated circles.

Sandwiches "Flowers" from crab sticks - a simple and beautiful snack without much effort

5. Lubricate each piece of bread with mayonnaise.

Sandwiches "Flowers" from crab sticks - a simple and beautiful snack without much effort

6. Now lay the cut crab sticks in the form of flowers on each sandwich smeared with mayonnaise.

Sandwiches "Flowers" from crab sticks - a simple and beautiful snack without much effort

7. Finally, decorate each with greenery. As greens, you can give preference to dill or parsley.

These are such bright and beautiful sandwiches!

Sandwiches "Flowers" from crab sticks - a simple and beautiful snack without much effort

Sandwiches "Flowers" from crab sticks - a simple and beautiful snack without much effort

Enjoy your meal!