Appetizer on crackers with sardines is very tasty. You can cook it on any holiday table. As a filling, you can use not only sardines, but also any other canned food. If for some reason there is no desire to use canned fish, then you can safely replace them with anything. For example, you can make a filling from crab sticks and eggs, or even from vegetables.

Serve such an appetizer, and cook it, should be immediately before serving. This is necessary so that the cracker cookies do not become soft. It can also be purchased with any taste, the main thing is that it should not be sweet.


  • Cracker cookies – 100 g.
  • Sardines – 30 g.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream – 20 g.

Sardine Crackers - An Amazing Holiday Snack


1. Put the chicken egg in a ladle, fill it with water, put on fire and cook it for 8 minutes. Then drain the hot water and fill it with cold water. Leave it for 10 minutes, changing the water periodically, so the egg cools faster. Peel it, grate it on a coarse grater.

Sardine Crackers - An Amazing Holiday Snack

2. Open a can of canned food with a special opener. If there is no such opener, then take a regular knife. Lay out literally 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons of fish to the egg.

Sardine Crackers - An Amazing Holiday Snack

3. Add mayonnaise or sour cream.

Sardine Crackers - An Amazing Holiday Snack

4. Now mix the fish filling very well with a regular spoon.

Sardine Crackers - An Amazing Holiday Snack

5. Put cracker cookies on a dish.

Sardine Crackers - An Amazing Holiday Snack

6. Top each cracker cookie with fish and egg filling.

You can transfer the filling into a pastry bag with a star nozzle and squeeze it onto each cookie. So the dish will look even more festive and original.

Sardine Crackers - An Amazing Holiday Snack

7. Decorate the festive appetizer on sardine crackers with any greens and serve it immediately to the table. You can take sprigs of fresh dill, parsley, or use bright berries for decoration, such as cranberries or red currants.

Sardine Crackers - An Amazing Holiday Snack

Sardine Crackers - An Amazing Holiday Snack

Enjoy your meal!