A very simple recipe for a delicious, healthy and quick dessert. Strudel with cottage cheese and strawberries will be prepared from thin pita bread. Ingredients listed are per serving. Increase them in proportion to the required amount.


  • Thin pita bread – 40 g.
  • Fresh or frozen strawberries – 100 g
  • Cottage cheese – 50 g.
  • Liquid honey – 1 tsp
  • Natural yogurt – 30 g.
  • Olive oil – 2 drops.

How to cook:

1. If you use frozen strawberries, thaw them in the refrigerator first. If you defrost immediately on the table, all the juice will flow out. In the refrigerator, losses will be minimal. Rinse fresh strawberries with cold water, spread on a paper towel, dry and remove the stalks.

To taste, you can add a little cinnamon and vanilla to the filling.

Cottage cheese can be used with any fat content. If you are on a diet and reduce the amount of fat, fat-free cottage cheese is also suitable. The most important thing is that it is fresh and soft. You can make cottage cheese from milk at home.

Strudel with cottage cheese and strawberries - a healthy and quick dessert

2. In a deep bowl, mix cottage cheese with honey. If you want to add vanilla cinnamon, do so now.

You can just mix the cottage cheese well if you like grainy, or beat with a blender if you like cottage cheese paste more.

Strudel with cottage cheese and strawberries - a healthy and quick dessert

3. Cut strawberries into small cubes, add to cottage cheese. Stir gently so as not to crush the berries.

Strudel with cottage cheese and strawberries - a healthy and quick dessert

4. Spread the pita bread. For one serving, you will need about a quarter of a sheet. Lubricate with a thin layer of natural yogurt. This is necessary in order for the pita bread to become soft. You can replace yogurt with condensed milk if you are not on a diet.

Strudel with cottage cheese and strawberries - a healthy and quick dessert

5. Wrap the filling in pita bread in any convenient way. You can make envelopes or rolls.

Strudel with cottage cheese and strawberries - a healthy and quick dessert

6. Brush a drop of olive oil on top. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for about 15 minutes.

Strudel with cottage cheese and strawberries - a healthy and quick dessert

The table can be served both hot and cold. Lavash cottage cheese strudel will be a great alternative to breakfast. This is especially true for those who do not like breakfast.

You can cut right away. The strudel does not lose its shape.

Strudel with cottage cheese and strawberries - a healthy and quick dessert

Strudel with cottage cheese and strawberries - a healthy and quick dessert

Strudel with cottage cheese and strawberries - a healthy and quick dessert

Bon appetit!