Today we offer to preserve for the winter an easy-to-prepare, but very tasty zucchini salad without problems. Such a twist in winter is a great addition to any dish.
Zucchini stewed in tomato sauce with the addition of garlic, sweet and hot peppers are slightly spicy, while maintaining their integrity during the cooking process. And the aroma is not even worth talking about. For the preparation of this canned salad, it is desirable to choose young zucchini. If you still have large vegetables, it is best to peel them and be sure to remove the seeds, and only then use them for preservation.
- Zucchini – 1 kg.
- Sweet pepper – 300 g.
- Garlic – 1 large head.
- Hot pepper (optional) – ½ pod.
- Sugar – 90 g.
- Salt – 1 tbsp. l.
- Refined vegetable oil – 50 ml.
- 9% vinegar – 35 ml.
- Tomato paste – 100 g.
How to cook:
1. Zucchini for salad (preferably young, with a thin skin and small seeds), rinse under water, cut into strips (approximately 1 – 1.5 centimeters thick).
2. Put the chopped zucchini into a container (pot or cauldron) in which you will prepare the salad.
3. Peeled sweet peppers (choose the variety of pepper, however, like the color, based on the vegetables you have), garlic cloves and hot peppers (if you want the salad to come out not too spicy, you can not add hot peppers) chop.
4. Add the chopped vegetables to the pot (cauldron) to the chopped zucchini.
5. Pour vegetable oil into the future salad, add salt and sugar and add tomato paste.
6. Gently mix all the vegetables and leave them to infuse for 20 – 25 minutes (stir occasionally), covered with a lid. During this time, the zucchini will release juice and there will be more liquid.
7. After the allotted time for infusion, put the saucepan (cauldron) with salad on high heat and bring to a boil, then cook zucchini with vegetables over medium heat, stirring them from time to time, for 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, pour 9% vinegar into the salad, boil for one minute and spread the salad still hot in sterilized jars.
8. Roll up the canned jars with lids, after boiling them, and wrapping them in a blanket, leave to cool completely.
9. When the twists are completely cool, put them in a cool place.
Such a salad of zucchini can be stored without problems for up to two to three years.
Bon appetit!