New Year is a special holiday filled with joyful chores, with aromas of pine needles, tangerines and, of course, fresh pastries. Make homemade Christmas cookies with a simple recipe. It can be...
Zebra pie is very simple and easy to cook on kefir, the recipe is simple and any housewife can do it. All the ingredients are always at hand, the main...
Lush charlotte with apples is the perfect sweet treat for tea. Such pastries are easy and quick to prepare, it turns out tasty and airy, with pieces of apples. Cooking a...
Traditional Christmas cakes are best prepared ahead of time, because the ripening time for a real English Christmas cake is 4-6 weeks. During this time, the rich fruit filling impregnates the...
For tea, you always want to serve some unusual pastries. It can also be easily prepared at home. For example, Coins cookies are not only original-looking pastries, but also very tasty, and...
If you have some free time and want to pamper your family with homemade cakes, then prepare shortbread fingers with jam. Dough for fingers is prepared quickly, with almost no hassle. The...