Chicken casserole with zucchini is a fairly easy second dish to prepare. Chicken fillet, cut into small cubes, marinated in a mixture of spicy mustard and tender sour cream. Chicken goes great...
It takes very little time to prepare a quick, satisfying dinner with simple ingredients that are always at hand. Fried rice with chicken meat and vegetables is seasoned with your favorite...
If you don’t know how delicious it is to bake chicken legs in the oven, then this simple and affordable master class is especially for you. Chicken legs baked in the...
Chicken cutlets with zucchini is a simple and easy dish, especially popular in the summer season when zucchini is more affordable. However, you can cook such cutlets all year round, as...
What could be tastier than baked chicken thighs with new potatoes in the oven? This is a dish that can be prepared very quickly for dinner for a beloved husband or...