Mimosa salad with sardines is a traditional salad for a festive feast. If you are expecting guests or planning to have a family dinner, prepare such a dish. A delicious and...
Vinaigrette with sauerkraut is a very popular vegetable salad. You can also cook such a dish in fasting, when only root vegetables and vegetable oil are present on the table. So, to...
Rimsky salad perfectly combines pieces of tender beef, fresh crispy cucumbers, spicy green onions and fragrant garlic. Walnuts fit perfectly into this composition. The highlight is the small egg rolls, which serve...
Salad “Red Sea” can be served on any most sophisticated holiday table. A beautifully decorated dish looks appetizing and has an incredible taste of seafood. For the recipe, you will need red...
Summer is over, but the bountiful harvest continues. Especially good are fruits and vegetables grown with your own hands, for example, in your own dacha. Do not miss the opportunity to cook...
The most solemn holiday of the year is approaching – the New Year. It’s time to plan the menu for the holiday table. Traditionally, meat salad should be served on the table. The...