Salad Snow White with chicken and cheese is prepared simply, but to make it look brighter and more appetizing on the table, you can think about a more original serving. It...
French salad with beets and potatoes is a delicious and very healthy dish, despite the fried potatoes in its composition. This salad is suitable for lovers of fresh vegetables, and more...
Instant vinaigrette is an excellent salad that turns out not only very tasty, but also healthy. To prepare it according to this recipe, you do not need to cook or bake...
Venice salad with chicken, mushrooms and cucumber consists of available ingredients that blend perfectly with each other. Of course, such a dish can be prepared in an easier way if you...
The Tsarsky salad with chicken and champignons bears such a name for a reason, because it has an appetizing spectacular appearance, as well as a rather refined taste. However, it contains...
In the season of fresh vegetables and fragrant greens, in most cases, you want something light, tasty, healthy and, of course, beautiful. Prepare a delicious salad “Flower” with tomatoes and quail...