We offer you to cook an amazing recipe for tender chicken liver pate with cream and cognac. Chicken liver is just perfect for pate, its delicate flavor is literally created for...
Olivier in tartlets is an original way of serving a popular salad. Tartlets can be made at home with puff pastry or shortcrust pastry. And you can buy similar molds in the...
Forshmak with herring and beets can be both an independent snack, and a filling for tartlets, a component for sandwiches. Herring can be taken lightly salted or spicy salted, with a...
Nowadays, when there are so many worries and fuss, dishes that can be prepared quickly and easily have become appreciated. This is exactly what a 5-minute snack is. It is made from...
“Snowballs” is a great option for a delicate and very tasty snack, which is suitable for any festive feast or for everyday diet. It turns out very beautiful, tender not only...
Chicken balls with olives are a rather original cold appetizer that will successfully decorate any holiday table. The dish is very easy to prepare, and it won’t take much of your...